Profit-based routing is just one of the many benefits of letting Add On Systems design a mobile platform for your drivers that fits your business. Combined with an integrated workflow solution for the first time fleets have the flexibility to pick and choose best-in-class applications for the future vs held hostage by a proprietary legacy system.
Studies have shown that the average OTR truck driver has between 9-12 apps on their phone they use while on the road. Most likely using a non Class 8 truck navigation app like Waze, Google Navigation, or iPhone maps.
As a fleet owner, safety professional, or driver manager you want to make sure your drivers are able to get from point A to point B as safely, quickly, and efficiently as possible.
Unfortunately, the standard navigation systems that come from that app store don’t have all of this information readily available; but there is an alternative. Click to view Eleos Technologies Truck Navigation gives you access to real-time traffic data for your area so you can choose the best route every time—saving money on fuel and tolls, avoiding accidents, and speeding up deliveries.
You know how people say “a picture is worth a thousand words?” Well in our case it’s true – we created a tool that shows truckers exactly how much they could save by taking one specific route over another (based on live traffic conditions).
Eleos Truck Safe Routing Application
Add On Systems can create a customer-focused application to truly enhance the driver experience while building a workflow to your ICC dispatch system.
This means no more guesswork or wasted time/money driving out of their way. We also give them important details about what might be causing delays along their current route integrated with their ELD hours of service with points of interest so your driver can now plan where to pull over for the night and find adequate parking and not wake up the next day angry and tired which leads to higher retention.
Are your drivers currently struggling with any of the following?
- time spent trip planning using multiple apps vs one
- text messages and/or slow messages from traditional mobile-comm vs real-time messaging with text-to-speech for safety
- bad lat/lng coordinates for facilities - let the driver-assist in getting those corrected
Add On Systems can customize the Eleos platform as an in-cab solution or companion app to your existing telematics solution and build specific workflows based on the exact needs of {{company name, fallback=}} integrated tightly with your dispatch system.
In our partnership with Click Geotab, we can offer up to 6 months of zero monthly subscription costs when making the switch in 2022 which is a significant saving. View Geotab is rated as the #1 telematics provider by ABI research and provides single sign-on integration with the Eleos app platform.
Most fleets I talk to spend a small fortune in recruiting and retention and still maintain a 70% - 85% driver turnover rate. We can do better!
Let's schedule a short call to see if profit-based routing can help retain even more drivers in 2022 than ever before. I'm confident this is a tool worth considering.
AOS is a certified integrator and partner of Eleos. Our ability to integrate this solution with ICC Dispatch software is a unique differentiator that will help your company rise above the competitors.